Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko
Finding life success and fulfillment after adversity strikes is hard. We can be left questioning what it all means, why we are here, and how we go on. The Faith Beyond Podcast delves into topics like grief and loss, dealing with addiction, and various other forms of trauma and extreme adversity. Faith Beyond is about learning how each of us can use the pain of today for a better tomorrow.
The podcast also presents information about health and fitness, including both Eastern and Western beliefs and views on how we can improve our overall health. The show even takes a look at various belief systems found around the world and why individuals believe the way they do. At Faith Beyond, we present concepts, but never tell you what to think.
Author, Speaker, and Coach Tim Maceyko acts as your host, bringing valuable insight on overcoming adversity based on his personal experiences. At the age of sixteen, Tim was left with a broken neck, paralyzed after an automobile accident. He instantly went from a talented young athlete to a paraplegic, relying on others to take care of his every need. The accident changed his life trajectory, but in time, he learned to feed and bathe himself again. Eventually, he got out of his wheelchair and hasn't stopped since. He went on to become a successful coach. But tragedy struck a second time, when later in life, Tim and his wife lost their five-year-old son in a bunk bed accident. And then, a few years after the loss of their son, their teenage daughter was diagnosed with cancer. The hits kept coming.
Yet through it all, Tim has found a way to survive and thrive. He believes that those who have experienced trauma and/or extreme adversity are best positioned to find higher levels of life success and fulfillment. He espouses the value of Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) which can only be experienced by those who have faced the trauma. Tim even shares his secret Fulfillment Formula, a way to find success despite life's setbacks.
Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko
Healing Hearts and Minds with the Art of Hypnosis featuring Dr Andre McDonald
Struggle and uncertainty are all too familiar companions in our lives, yet imagine a tool that could reshape the very fabric of our emotional well-being. That's the discussion I have with Dr. Andre McDonald, a skilled hypnotist who shares his profound insights into the world of hypnotherapy. Together, we tackle the stigmas and reveal the transformative potential of this practice, offering hope for those seeking to conquer addictions, soothe anxiety, release the grip of past trauma, and more.
The healing power of hypnotherapy doesn't just stop at breaking the chains of our personal vices; it extends its reach to mend the wounds of emotional trauma. As I recount a personal story of loss, Andre walks us through the delicate process of hypnotherapy - from the initial consultation all the way to mastering the art of reframing life through the power of imagination. We scrutinize the practicalities of selecting the right hypnotherapist, the dynamics of virtual versus in-person sessions, and underscore the importance of professional medical advice when considering new wellness paths.
If you're yearning for a new lens through which to view your challenges or simply curious about the untapped capabilities of your mind, this episode is your gateway to understanding how hypnotherapy can become a pivotal ally in your journey toward a more fulfilled existence.
Note: This episode's featured song is "Fearless" by City of Bright, with written permission obtained from the artist's management. Additional music includes samples of "Better Days Are Coming" and "Our Time" by Bex, with rights secured through a licensing agreement with PremiumBeat.com.
Host Tim Maceyko is an author, coach, and motivational speaker. His publications include "When the Cardinal Calls," "Child Loss 101," and "Seth's Snuggle Time Game," all available for purchase on Amazon. For book signings, speaking events, or media interviews, he can be reached at TimMaceyko@gmail.com.
Disclaimer: The Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko Podcast is intended purely for informational, educational, inspirational, or entertainment purposes. The views expressed by guests are their own and may not reflect those of Faith Beyond. Listeners should independently verify any presented information and draw their own conclusions. Episodes discussing fitness and health are intended to examine various ideas that might offer health advantages. Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko neither endorses any specific viewpoint nor advocates for any particular fitness or health regimen. It is recommended that individuals seek advice from their healthcare providers before initiating any new fitness or health plan. Comments made by host Tim Maceyko are presented to the listeners from a coaching standpoint, as he is not a licensed counselor or physician. The host's remarks are intended for inspirational and motivational purposes only.
Beyond the pain, beyond the adversity, beyond this life. It's Faith Beyond. Author, coach, and Faith Beyond founder, Tim Maceyko explores grief, loss, overcoming adversity, and so much more. The Faith Beyond podcast starts now.
Tim Maceyko:Welcome to Faith Beyond, I'm really pumped this week to have a hypnotist with us, otherwise known as hypnotherapy. So, hypnotherapy is really what we're going to talk about. When you think of a hypnotist, you may think of what you see at your local county fair, but it runs much deeper than that, and Andre McDonald is here this week to share with us the value of hypnosis and how hypnotherapy can benefit you and help you overcome anxiety, weight loss, overcome childhood trauma, fears and phobias, and more. It's all part of our health and wellness series, and so we're going to kick that off in just a moment.
Tim Maceyko:I like to share different inspirational quotes and verses and different things, and this week I'm pulling out the Bible. I want to talk about 1st James, chapters two to four, because this fits the faith beyond concept so well. I just had to share it with you. So, it says this - consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Man, I like that.
Tim Maceyko:Think about that. Let it do its thing, let the difficulties come, let the storms overtake you once in a while, if they need to. It's all about a lesson on how to be more mature, how to complete your lifestyle, your life existence, I guess, is a better term there. You know, it's about overcoming the challenges and rising up stronger than you were before. That's what it's all about, and so I love that right there. Consider it pure joy, and let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete. Gotta like that, gotta like that. And what I'm really liking is the fact that Andre McDonald is up next.
Bex (Music Drop):On the way I know it. Come what may, I'm ready to go through it, cause nothing can stay the same. Yeah, everything has to change, so better days are on the way for us.
Tim Maceyko:Andre, I'm really just ready to rock and roll. Let's get into this thing of hypnotherapy and hypnosis.
Andre McDonald:Well, I had a life experience that kind of changed my perspective of how our minds work and how we actually perceive the world around us, and also how much potential we have underneath the surface that we're all given is just underneath a bunch of stuff that we never even wanted or knew that we were hanging on to, and I noticed that a lot of us are carrying all that baggage, that junk that we're walking around with day to day, and so, for one, I wanted to help people with that. And so, for one, I wanted to help people with that. And for two, well, one thing that had happened for me is that I experienced hypnosis for myself for quitting smoking. My mentor had said this is when I was already studying hypnosis.
Andre McDonald:I was helping people quit smoking and other things, and I was secretly smoking myself and I thought, terrible, it's like really hard to quit smoking, cold turkey. And I didn't know how to hypnotize myself at the time. So he said come on in the office and we'll work on this. So I went there, I sat down in the chair, I listened to him. I thought, oh yeah, I know that technique. Oh yeah, I know that one. You know, I even got up and went to the bathroom and came back and everything and I thought I was going to end up lighting a
Andre McDonald:cigarette when I stepped out of his office. You know we talked and I left. I thought I was going to light up when I was going to get in my Jeep. It turns out it was like a blank page. It's like this is where I normally smoke, but I have a choice now, like it's easier to choose. So there's just this part of our minds it's it's more free will, it's more choice, and the more we can get in touch with that, the better off. We can choose which way we want to go with our lives.
Tim Maceyko:When I go out and give my speeches, I talk about this concept of emotional baggage. So we go through a traumatic event and a lot of people get stuck there, whether they realize it or not, because of whether it's the fear or the guilt or the anger or whatever that emotion might be. Uh, one of the studies I've found is that's what really typically holds people into that spot there and they can't move forward because they just can't get off of that emotional baggage piece. So so is that kind of what we're talking about here?
Andre McDonald:Oh yeah, definitely it's emotional baggage. It's uh, you know, and I believe that that's the main part of it Emotional it's. It's, um, beliefs also, those both go hand in hand. It's like I feel this way because I believe this way, or I believe this way. Therefore I feel this way, and then I'm sure you're familiar with how we store this in our bodies also. So that's another confirmation. I feel this pain. Therefore, this is true.
Andre McDonald:So with hypnosis, what you're able to do is well, what I do first is a consultation is well, what I do first is a consultation figure out what someone's beliefs and values are and what they'd rather it be, what they're aiming for and what they're willing to let go of. So the beliefs, the values and where someone wants to go with their life is what plays in with hypnosis. Also a bit of imagination. You know, we're all given this faculty to you. Know what? If I said, whatever you do, tim, don't think about a green apple, just don't think about it. You have to think about an apple to not think about it. So there's that part there also, and there's so much that ties into this. I want to make sure I stay on topic and on time here no, it's just funny.
Tim Maceyko:You said that because you don't think of green apple, and immediately green apple popped in my mind like instantly. So it's kind of kind of funny so. So when, when people think of a hypnotist, they probably think of going to the county fair and the guy on stage put people to sleep, make them do funny, crazy things yeah, the chicken stuff, all that stuff. But it can go much deeper than that, right? I mean, there's a lot more to it and how it can be beneficial.
Andre McDonald:So yeah, the main thing people think about is the stage shows or like a comedy show or something. Now hypnotherapy is actually using that, applying that, to help people with some kind of therapy. That's the nutshell of things.
Tim Maceyko:You know, the thing is that the people that listen to this podcast mostly not everybody obviously different people listen at times but I think they come to the Faith Beyond because they're searching for something more.
Tim Maceyko:Maybe they've gone through a traumatic event or extreme adversity of some type, and whether it's a lack of religious faith or it's a lack of faith in themselves or the world around them, you know, there's just so many things that come into play when we go through a real traumatic event. It can change everything about who we were, or at least we perceive it to change everything about who we were. And then we we perceive it to change everything about who we were. And then we kind of have to kind of reevaluate and find ourselves again, like go on a new path, a new journey at times.
Tim Maceyko:And so if I'm struggling and I came to Andre and I said I really need help and I went through this traumatic event, so, like in my case, I went through child loss, lost my five-year-old son, and so if I come to you and I say you know I'm really struggling with this and I can't seem to get over, you know, out of this rut, if you will, what would this look like for hypnotherapy. How would that possibly help me and where I'm at?
Andre McDonald:Yeah, well, first of all, big hearts to you, man, open hearts, and you have a powerful message here and an amazing journey ahead of you, and I'm really really grateful and honored that you have me here on the show today. So let me get into the question. What would it look like? Well, we will talk about it a little bit. We don't even have to get into the details too much, actually, because I believe that the deeper mind already knows all that stuff, which is well. First we would set up safety like a you know, really build some kind of safety feeling with that person, and then we trigger that in. Like it could be as simple as you know it touch right here and it programs and you'll feel that safety automatically. So whenever they feel that that safety floods through the body whether it's dopamine, whether it's serotonin, whatever it is, I don't have to go into all of that when they built that safety construct, then we can trigger it to come back when we need it to, because, as you mentioned, it is a traumatic situation. I don't want that to just pop out and be out of control for anybody. So we take it very safely.
Andre McDonald:So the regression is actually going back to that time. But what I personally do I have it like a movie screen, like a theater. You're not actually there, but you're watching the whole everything go through. And then if anything comes up that I can notice on someone's face, where they're like grimacing, or if it's too much, then we touch right there on that safety spot.
Andre McDonald:So it's pretty much desensitization. It's bringing all that that's right here to be a little further back, a little further back so that this person can actually process it. Otherwise they're stuck in that moment and it's just bam, right there it's just too much. So it's kind of like you shook up a soda bottle and you just kind of the cappy and just kind of decompress it, just kind of let the pressure out slowly so it's manageable. And then from there we work on kind of reframing things, whether it's saying yes, this did happen, you can keep the memory, but you can change how you feel about it now. You know that it's something in the past, you know that it's something that you can grow from, it's something you can expand your love even more with, and if the mind accepts that kind of thing, then open your eyes and feel refreshed and start a brand new day. That's pretty much what I do a brand new day.
Tim Maceyko:That's pretty much what I do. It's. It's interesting because I know from the studies I've done that the body, like after a traumatic event happens, the body automatically wants to protect itself and so a lot of times I think, as the average person, myself included we don't understand what that body's doing. Like you don't understand, you just react I'm this, I'm that, I'm depressed, but you don't understand why. You understand what caused it. You understand the trauma you went through. Everybody understands that. But I meant as far as the physiological physiology of it all and the biology and all those different things and the emotional piece. I don't think the average person has any concept of what's going on at that level.
Andre McDonald:Yeah, it's a deep levels the iceberg, yeah, and it sounds like.
Tim Maceyko:That's what you're doing. You're digging into some of those things that the average person doesn't understand at all that automatic stuff.
Andre McDonald:Yeah, it just happens. And I do like the method I go with. It's kind of a kind of I kind of step into it a little carefully. I don't just dive straight in or anything like that, and I don't have to ask someone how they're feeling and this and that or exactly what's going on, or pinpoint something. If they don't want to, actually, someone can hold in whatever they want. Even better when in hypnosis, then I don't recommend it.
Tim Maceyko:I mean.
Andre McDonald:I try to motivate people to let it all out, because hanging onto it doesn't really help, or what I can do is help someone transmute it, like today. Earlier someone had some physical pains. I'm thinking it was emotional pains. I had them breathe in and have like the air magnetic and stick to that pain point and then, when they're ready to breathe out, switch the polarity because the mind already knows what the opposite of pain is it's pleasure. So switch the polarity and then they're breathing out, also sort of changing that pain to a neutral point. So yeah, helping the body to let go of all those things that are just hinged up in there, it really helps too I love that.
Tim Maceyko:I love that. Change the polarity. I like that phrase change the polarity. I love that. That's, that's great. All right, a lot of good stuff that we're talking about here with Andre McDonald, and he is just an amazing person. We're going to talk more about this concept of hypnosis after we play our song of the week. You're listening to Faith Beyond with me, tim Maseko Seiko.
Music:I have no reason to be afraid. But it can be such a fight, a battle in the mind. But you've given me all I need To be fearless, bold as a lion, knowing that you love me, fearless courage in my veins now, peace that surrounds me, fearless words you have spoken deep within my mind now. Fearless. Oh, I am fearless because you love me. We are now at Upper Session Road Cause you're strong. You're with me here in the fight. Your power lives inside me. You've given me all that I need. You make me fearless.
Music:Born as a lion. Knowing that you love me. Fearless Courage in my veins now, Peace that surrounds me. Fearless Words You've spoken Within my mind now Fearless. Oh, I am fearless Because you love me.
Music:Like David, giants slaying Like Moses, sea splitting like Joshua. The walls are tumbling like Esther Fearless.
Music:Bold as a lion, knowing that you love me. Fearless Courage in my veins now, peace that surrounds me. Fearless Words you've spoken deep within my mind now. Fearless, oh, I am fearless. Because you love me, Bold as a lion, I'm gonna let you love me. Fearless Courage in my veins, the peace that surrounds me. Fearless Words you've spoken deep within my mind now. Fearless, oh, I am fearless.
Tim Maceyko:Because you love me. There is City of Bright and their smash hit from a few years ago, fearless. I want to thank City of Bright for giving me permission to play that song here on the show. I do truly appreciate that and I'm still looking to get that group on a future episode to talk about their faith and how this trio of siblings formed City of Bright and where they are now in their lives as they continue to grow. But for now, let's get back to the show and more about hypnosis with my guest, andre McDonald. You know if the average person is listening to the show today and they are thinking, I think hypnotherapy could potentially be helpful to me. Like, what is the process to find someone? Number one how do you know someone's qualified? And number two where do you begin to look? I mean, I don't even know where that would begin. And then even like for yourself, like, how do you market your services?
Andre McDonald:I'll be honest with you. I didn't know the marketing part when I first started this nine years ago. I'm still kind of working on that. Times change all the time. I am on facebook, I am on tiktok, I'm on YouTube. People are finding me online realhypnosispro that's my digital business card. But the way to know if someone's a good fit for a particular person, for you viewers out there, listeners is that you're going to feel this resonance, whether that person is taking you in their best interest, by listening to you. Well, by, perhaps you know you know they're listening by maybe, if they're repeating what you're and why they got started with hypnosis, all that, what their specialties are, you can ask them straight up. How confident are you that you can help me with this situation? I would recommend that, in fact.
Tim Maceyko:If I think hypnotherapy is a good fit for me, is this something I do once, or is it a six week type program? Like what would that look like? How long would I need hypnotherapy to maybe overcome this anxiety or trauma that I have?
Andre McDonald:That is a really good question, and that one's one I can't give a straightforward answer about, unfortunately. Sometimes it's one session, sometimes it's more sessions really quitting smoking. For me that it's been like one session for two hours, but I go up to six sessions. If you're not getting any results at all after six sessions, then it's just not for you. I'm not claiming that it's for everyone. You'll notice something normally on the first session, second session, something normally on the first session, second session.
Tim Maceyko:I'm glad you said what you said because I think when I present these different type of health and wellness type alternatives to maybe just mainstream going to your doctor like what else can you do to improve your life I always talk about how it's. This may not be for you particularly like we're trying to open up people's options for whether it's meditation or yoga or taking a walk in nature, as simple as that. Like we're exploring different concepts, and I think hypnosis has a place in this discussion and certain people could certainly benefit from it and benefit dramatically, while others it may not be quite as effective as you want. So for the listeners I want to point that out that you know I'm not endorsing do this, do that but I also try to bring you things that I do think work and have the potential to make your life a little bit better when you're struggling, and so I think hypnosis is one of those types of things that people should at least take a closer look at.
Andre McDonald:That's yeah, exactly. Do the research. You won't regret it. I think that's the best place to start.
Tim Maceyko:When we talk about the faith aspect of it whether you're a Christian and you believe in God, or you're a Hindu or, you know, muslim, like whatever it may be it always seems to come down to the fact that there's this higher power, something we believe in that's bigger than us, and so for me that's God, and for somebody else it may not be, maybe it be something different, but what I love about whether it's hypnosis or meditation or any of these other things we talk about, it's this connection that's bigger than what maybe we even understand, and I think that's a really cool thing, don't you think?
Andre McDonald:I think so too. I think that's yeah, it's bigger. It's larger than life. It really is, and it's nice to know we're part of that.
Tim Maceyko:Absolutely Well, andre, anything else you want to share with us today? I mean, I really appreciate you taking some time just to kind of explain the concept of hypnosis to us. And again, realhypnosispro is your website and if people are interested in talking to you, I guess I should ask this question first Can we do this virtually? Is it effective virtually, or is this something that's better in person? I didn't ask that question, I meant to oh, that is another great question.
Andre McDonald:Yeah, okay. So virtual is amazing. I started that pretty close to 2019 or so and it's been great. It's different, but it's not. It's not better or worse than I do work in person, also in office. I guess it's just a matter of I mean, introverts love being online. Just, you know, video also like. If someone has a problem with, like, looking in the eyes or something, then that's perfectly fine. On video you don't have to have your camera on or anything. It's audio. So it's me talking in my most quiet, my most hypnotic voice. You're just relaxing, there's music going. But in person it has different elements, such as I can tap someone on the forehead or the arm or something you know because the skin is very programmable. It's like a part of our, it's a nervous system, it's part of our brain. So it's just different. It's just a little different whether you're in person or virtual, but it's good either way. Thanks for asking.
Tim Maceyko:Yeah, yeah, I meant to ask that earlier and I totally slipped my mind. I looked at my notes and I was like, oh, I have one more question for you. Well, andre, anything else you want to add then, before we wrap things up today?
Andre McDonald:Yeah, Maybe just always talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before trying anything out, and I'll be around also if you have any questions. Concerns curiosities I love curiosities. Realhypnosispro that's where you can save all my information. It's not really my website, it's my business card, but it's got everything there, the whole enchilada. So that's what I got on that. Keep your faith.
Tim Maceyko:I appreciate it. Andre, thanks for joining me today and for all you listeners out there. Look into hypnotherapy, think about it and see if it could possibly help you, and definitely reach out to Andre if that interests you further. I think he'd be a great resource. And with that, that's going to wrap up today's Faith Beyond show. Wow, what a great episode, and maybe hypnotherapy is something that you can use in your life. Be sure you reach out to Andre McDonald and see if that's something that benefits you, and if it doesn't, that's okay too. I myself am thinking about getting a hold of him and maybe giving that a shot to see how it works for some of the problems that I have in my own life. Until next time.
Tim Maceyko:This has been Tim Maceyko. You've been listening to the Faith Beyond Podcast, and we'll leave you with this message - You can overcome any adversity in life. Together, we can overcome, we can achieve, we can go on and do great things with the time we have on this earth. So go do it. It's your time, it's my time, it's our time
Music:It's our time, it's our time, and we'll live it loud. We don't stop and we keep on dreaming. Set the goals and we will achieve them. It's our time. It's our time, and we'll make it count. Oh, watch us close, cause we will grow and become unstoppable. Become unstoppable. We will grow and become unstoppable. Become unstoppable. Take our dreams and make them real, because nothing is impossible. It's our time. It's our time and we'll make it count.
Music:It's our lives. It's our lives and we'll live it up. We'll see you next time. It's a time it will make it count.